Tava Hada Pilpelta

Who are we

WHO ARE WE? «Better a nice hot pepper than a big basket full of squash This is the literal translation of Tava Hada Pipelta” in Aramaic. And it’s because all the Harissas are alike that we wanted to create a radically different one. With its unique product, Tava Hada Pilpelta wants to change mentalities. Often unknown, the harissa remains associated with snack or oriental and family cuisine. But our harissa can also be used as a first-rate culinary aid, as evidenced by our selection in the reference culinary show «Top Chef. It is handcrafted from A to Z, from the choice of peppers to its potting. It is pure, undiluted and its peppers are both strong in taste and very powerful. Two of them are 10° on the Scoville scale. Rest assured, however, that the violet garlic and the third chilli soften this power and perfectly balance the whole. And if you don’t believe us, You just have to try it... Before adopting it! THEY TALK ABOUT US

Labels and certifications

Postal address and digital presence

Tava Hada Pilpelta
211 chemin de la madrague ville

Website: http://www.harissa-thp.fr