Who are we
MILLBÄKER is a 100% FRENCH COMPANY located in Champagne region, expert in the Wheat - Flour - Bread sector. EXPERTISE - Formulation and design of technological, sensorial and nutritional ingredients solutions for professionals - Innovative ingredient design coming particularly from our know-how on sprouted seeds. - Flour correction: diagnosis and advice on wheat and flour, from the milling diagram to the tailor made formulation of corrector. - R & D sourcing: sustainable ingredients selection, adapted to new consumer's trends. - Process improvement: improver formulation for craft and and industrial processes (conventional, organic, additive free, palm free). ANALYSIS LABORATORY (member of BIPEA network) - Physico-chemical and rheological analysis services on wheat and flour - Sensory analysis - A large range of analysis: damaged starches, mycotoxin detection, farinograph... TECHNICAL CENTER (Member of BIPEA network and Research Tax Credit ((CIR) accredited) - Formulation and development of customisable ingredient solutions - Breadmaking control - R & D innovative products with germinated cereals - Training center HIGH CAPACITY MIXING CENTER (Certified International Featured Standards - Food (IFS)) - Contrat manufacturing - Certified for the manufacture of organic products - Manufacturing flexibility and responsiveness
Labels and certifications
Postal address and digital presence
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