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Tofu Lactofermenté au Pesto

Our lactofermented tofu Sojami offers unique qualities compared to traditional tofu : soft and tasty, its cheesy texture is very close to feta and it contains up to 30% more protein compared to a classic tofu. Very easy to use, it can be consume cold as an aperitif, in a salad, in a marinade ... Or hot, fried with vegetables, in a sauce with cereals, in a savory pie, in a gratin, in a stuffing ...

It exists in 5 flavors: nature, pesto, marinated in tamari, olives and wild garlic.

Like all Sojami products, it is also a source of omega 3 and guaranteed to be free from lactose, gluten, cholesterol and GMOs.


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Nutriscore A
Product composition Soja* lactofermenté 87,7% (eau filtrée, graines de soja* dépelliculées, ferments selectionnés), pesto* 12,3% (basilic*, huile de colza*, huile d'olive* 1ère pression à froid, sel non raffiné, ail*). *issu de l'agriculture biologique
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