Who are we

SAS Patrick BERGHMAN is a trading company set up in 2011 by Patrick BERGHMAN, a long-standing organic producer on the island (since 1990). We market Corsican organic citrus fruits and nuts (Clementines, Pomelos, Lemons, Oranges, Limes, Lemon caviar, Mandarins, Citrons, Bigarades, Hayward Kiwis) from the Terre d'Agrumes Producers' Organisation and independent producers, complying with AB specifications as well as quality specifications such as the PGI, which imposes strict traceability requirements on the products. SAS Patrick Berghman is positioned on the market of specialised chains, wholesalers, buying groups, AMAPs, independent shops and canteens on the mainland, as well as local customers (Corsica) and international customers (Belgium, Germany). It also recovers sorting residues as part of an anti-waste and zero-waste approach to supplying the industrial and processing markets.

Labels and certifications

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