About us
Oliance is the alliance of five French olive oil companies that cultivate olive trees, produce olives, transform these olives into oils of olives… Based in the heart of Provence, these five companies have a desire community to discover the richness of Olive Oils from France to Belgians. Together, they offer a range of olive oils with profiles very varied aromatics, organic or not, with Protected Designation of Origin or not but all of quality.
Our mission
Promote, for export, olive oils from France in general and olive oils from collective companies in particular.
Get in touch with us
Alexandra Paris
Email: alexandra.paris@franceolive.fr
Website: https://huiles-et-olives.fr/oliance/
Key figures
5 companies: 2 olives producers, 3 oil mills All based in Provence. 4 PDOs proposed: Aix-en-Provence, Haute-Provence, Provence and Vallée des Baux-de-Provence But also Olive Oils from France, flavored olive oils, ... 4 structures in organic farming 1 structures in HVE - High Environmental Value 1 great aromatic diversity Other productions offered: wine, almonds, aromatic plants, ...