FEBEA - Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté

About us

FEBEA - Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté, French Federation of Beauty enterprises, is the only trade union for beauty enterprises and personal care (perfumes, cosmetics, hygiene products, toileteries, hair products). It brings together more than 350 enterprises, including 82% of small and medium-size enterprises and 67% of enterprises are located outside an urban area.

Get in touch with us


137, rue de l'Université
75007 PARIS

Website: https://claireapp.fr/

• FEBEA provides to cosmetics enterprises – small and medium-sized enterprises or big corporations – useful services for their growth, in France and abroad, on economic, environmental, legal, regulatory, scientific, social and technical questions.
• As cosmetic industry’s voice, FEBEA promotes the industry image to be modern, responsible and expresses its actions and commitments.
• FEBEA also gathers business leaders to identify the main trends of its action. It organises working groups with experts from its members companies to define sector’s positions, disseminates best practices and supports teams in their quality and responsability approaches.
• It organises special events for stakeholders to meet and share the challenges of tomorrow.

Essential to export cosmetics products, the Free Sale Certificate (FSC) is the only official document that guarantees the safety and free sale in the country of origin for a foreign juridiction. This document testifies that the company responsable for placing products on the market, has ensured the compliance of the mentionned products to French and European regulations. The Free Sale Certificate is mandatory to export cosmetics products in about 60 countries.

Since 1968, FEBEA delivers FSC, on permanent delegation of the Ministry of Industry, and facilitates the administrative formalities to export perfumes and cosmetics.
FEBEA offers this service to all cosmetic enterprises and thus enables their sales abroad. This allows the entire profession to remain one of the largest exporting branch.

Thanks to this strong experience, recognized by authorities from many countries, FEBEA is certified ISO 9001 :2015 to deliver FSC since 2010.

In 2021, FEBEA diclosed the purpose of the cosmetic sector « Take care of you, respect the beauty of the world ». It is an important step for the cosmetic sector, a strategic move that gathers all our enterprises and allows us to embody a new ambition, in resonance and empathy with expectations of our consumers : transparency, naturality, personnalisation, respect of the environment.

Express our purpose is also to share our associated actions. The sector commits itself through concrete actions around 5 focus areas :
• Commitments for the ecological transition
• Commitments for safety, quality and efficacy of the products
• Commitments for transparency
• Commitments for the economy, employment and territories
• Commitments to solidarity

These commitments are the ones of the cosmetic sector and of all entreprises which compose it. FEBEA, as a federation and industry representative, desired to federate and catalyse the energies, to serve this ambition. It will continue to promote meaningful actions and support collective projects.