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Basilic sacré FORT

Natural anti-stress  

500 mg of holy basil extract (20/1) per tablet = 10,000 mg of plant

Basilic Sacré FORT helps regulate mood and naturally acts against stress. 

TRIPLE ACTION: balance, anti-stress, well-being.

- Marine magnesium and vitamin B6 help to maintain a psychic balance.

- Holy basil extract and l-theanine help to reduce stress.

- 5-HTP help to regulate mood and anxiety.

HIGH CONCENTRATION in active ingredients

PACKAGING : 15, 30 and 60 tablets. 

Product made in France.

Our products are elaborated in the most natural way: GMO-free, gluten-free, coloring-free. The ingredients have been rigorously selected to guarantee quality and traceability. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

More Information
Product composition Holy basil extract, Marine magnesium, Vitamin B6, Griffonia, L-theanine, Acacia gum, Magnesium stearate
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Identifier BS