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2x125gr K-Philus BIO - organic whole ewe’s milk

K.Philius is high-quality fermented milk that uniquely combines an exclusive selection of probiotic lactic ferments. The high concentration of living ferments naturally makes it the perfect ally for the intestinal microbiota. It is efficiently produced by a family-owned and independent local dairy in Alsace, France, the Laiterie du Climont.
K-Philus is produced in small batches (a few hundred pots at most) once the ferments have been carefully cultured for several days to allow them to adapt to the milk and increase their Lactobacillus count. It undergoes long fermentation: several hours at 37°C, the precise internal temperature of the human body! This long fermentation decreases the lactose content and leads to substantial breakdown of proteins (casein in particular). The fermentation process is adjusted and monitored closely to obtain vast quantities of live Lactobacillus, at least 450 million per gram! (450*106 CFU/g) i.e. an average of 50 billion live ferments in each pot.. This criterion is checked on day +8 for each production batch. Some particularly lively batches even reach a count of over 100 billion live ferments per pot… As K-Philus is often taken by people with health issues, we apply strict health monitoring measures that far exceed those required by law: before being certified and released for sale, each batch is analysed by an independent laboratory that looks at 9 different criteria.
More Information
Type of milk Fermented milk
Product composition organic whole goat’s milk, ferments
Mininum Order Quantity 0
Identifier K-Philus whole goat’s milk